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Our Community


ArabTrans24 (AT24)

Is a leading firm in the translation market that has been in operation for over 15 years.

Community Service

We in AT24 believe in our responsibility towards the community.

Community Services we provide:

  • Working with schoolchildren: Tutoring children after school, collecting school supplies to donate, planting schools’ gardens.
  • Working with senior citizens: We visit the residents of retirement centers, deliver meals to senior citizens and drive them to appointments.
  • Improving the environment: We hold recycling contests, plant trees, and create new trails at nature centers.
  • Helping low-income people: We collect used clothes to be donated and make first aid kits for homeless shelters.

The secret of the success of any person starts from the inside before the outside, then the work gives beneficial fruits that affect the success of the person and those around him in society.

Benefits we get from participating in community service:

  • Have the opportunity to help others
  • Gain hands-on experience
  • Learn about different careers
  • Personal growth
  • Gain new friends
  • Gain practical experience
  • Self-development